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Published on 22 July 2013
In the framework of the Russian Industrial and Environmental Forum «RosPromEco-2013» preparation the «RosPromEco» Forum’s Honorary President, Member of the Council under the Chairman of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on agriculture and nature management Nikolay Churkin has defined the benchmarks for the state environmental policy in the field of waste management
Waste recycling industry development with integrated involvement of secondary resources into the economic circulation should be based on positive international experience and the following benchmarks:
- resource and energy saving, environmentally efficient economy, providing the greatest economic effect when negative impacts are minimized and involvement of secondary resources and wastes in economic circulation are maximized;
- balance of economic and ecological well-being;
- safe environment for human habitation that meets its basic biological and aesthetic needs;
- high stability margin (carrying capacity) of natural ecosystems and natural components of natural-technogenic systems;
- well-developed internally consistent and institutional environment;
- well-developed national scientific school;
- well-developed national system of environmental education for the population;
- positively developing international cooperation.
Resource and energy saving, environmentally efficient economy, providing the greatest economic effect when negative impacts are minimized and involvement of secondary resources and wastes in economic circulation are maximized. It provides:
- ecologically reasonable accommodation of productive forces;
- sustainable use of renewable natural resources;
- maximizing the depth and complexity of raw materials processing;
- use of renewable energy resources, including waste;
- transition of resource-valuable species of waste in the category of «secondary raw material / secondary product» and their involvement in the economic circulation;
- inclusion of environmental parameters into the competitive documentation when placing orders for supplies of goods, performance of works, rendering of services for state and municipal needs, providing for the application of the international principle of «producer's responsibility for the entire product life cycle»;
- elimination of the accumulated environmental damage through deeper processing ash and slag volumes, tailings and waste from the mining sector and mining industry with the subsequent introduction into the economic circulation of the resource-valuable formations;
- introduction of public procurement system to the products which are made of secondary raw materials;
- minimization of emissions, discharges and waste volumes.
Balance of economic and ecological well-being is achieved on the basis within the principle of reasonable sufficiency norms to regulate economic activities on environmental grounds, which implies:
- in the part of regulation of the volume and intensity of anthropogenic pressure on natural and natural-anthropogenic systems – an accounting for stock of their stability (carring capacity) and the exhaustion degree;
- in the part of developing of territorial management regimes – the use as the primary tool for management of special requirements to parameters of the natural processes, natural and anthropogenic objects, the applicable technical systems and technologies, the rules of conducting of the citizens, their pets and domesticated wild animals.
The main target strategies of environmentally safe waste management, including hazardous, are the following:
- identifying and documenting the properties of wastes including hazardous;
- choice and reasoning of the object location of economic activity for waste disposal, including the disposal of inert and hazardous components disposal;
- training and providing the safety of operating personnel;
- choosing of the best available technologies of disposal;
- control and monitoring of all aspects in technological processes.
Implementation of the waste management strategy should be based on 5 main principles according to the international law.
Observance of the handling wastes hierarchical order, including hazardous.
When applying hierarchical order of the waste management entities we must choose the technologies that take into account both the resource potential of the waste and the necessity to protect the environment, including health, in achieving the best overall environmental outcome. In those cases, when it justified for the entire lifecycle of products and specific waste streams on the technological cycle stages, we may need to change the established hierarchical order of handling waste. We should use the following hierarchical order of waste management:
- waste prevention;
- waste re-use;
- waste recycling as a secondary material resources;
- other methods of waste disposal, e.g. incineration for energy purposes;
- disposal of hazardous waste at landfills.
Development of infrastructure security
The development of infrastructure, which provides an order of waste management:
- build capacity to fully cover the needs of the country in the use of the resource potential of waste, safe for the environment and the health of persons in the elimination of waste;
- introduction into operation of objects of infrastructure for collection, sorting, recycling and/or disposal of waste;
- observance of the proximity principle to the place of processing waste to infrastructure for collection, sorting, recycling and/or disposal.
Reducing the economy's dependence on waste disposal at landfills
Disposal of waste at landfills should be used only in cases when other options in hierarchical order of handling wastes are technically and environmentally unacceptable. Growth of the economic indicators of economic activity is feasible when complex involvement waste into economic circulation and reducing the amount of land allocations for the organization of new landfills.
Refusal from mixing and dilution of hazardous wastes.
If waste cannot be prevented, economic entities, of which the waste is generated, and entities engaged in waste management, as appropriate:
- to refuse to mix different categories of hazardous waste and from the mixing of hazardous waste with other waste, substances or materials, except for the cases of existence of the special environmental authorization and operations of mixing in accordance with the best available technologies;
- to refuse processing of hazardous waste through the dilution of harmful substances;
- to produce separation of hazardous waste organic fractions from other factions in order to facilitate subsequent management in accordance with the hierarchical order.
Management of hazardous organic wastes.
Hazardous organic waste that cannot be re-used for its intended purpose or as secondary material resources, or processed by other means, shall be destroyed using best available technologies for energy recovery.
Use the orientations of the state policy in the field of waste management and application of internationally recognized principles within waste management will serve as a basis to develop the new sector in the Russian Federation - waste recycling industry.
Honorary President of the Russian
Industrial and Environmental Forum «RosPromEco»
Nikolay Churkin